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Latest News Congratulations to us!!

5 years ago today we had our very first meeting about forming a 'Bloom' for our Village

Please click on photos and enjoy the transformations in West Kirby.

From no planters to 54 plus planters and rail planters.

A huge thank you to our amazing, reliable & consistent volunteers for their hard work.

Also our wonderful local businesses for funding and supporting us.







The Mayors Visit

Brilliant Day had by all as our volunteers as the May and Councillor Jeff Green Visited us to congratulate the team on all their hard work in West Kirby

Mayors Visit Stills

Latest News Ashton Park May Fair 2022

Latest News

News January 2022

Winter Work Under way at Hilbre View.

New Borders and Rockery.

The Big Winter Tidy Up.

News November 2021

The sequence of photos shows the before and after of the door in the wall at Hilbre View.

Thanks to Sue Evans for her door and gate.. Antony Dala and David Taylor for extracting them from the depths of Sue's Garage.

Ali Taylors great idea of how it should look. Good couple of hours spent today by Antony for resizing and fitting.. jobs a gooden!! Phew.. many hands..

News October 2021

We managed to plant alot of bulbs between us.. Fuelled by cake.. But there's plenty more for next week.Anyone out there who has a bulb planter, and has couple of hours to spare next Sunday any help would be very well received.

All 14 rail planters have been planted up now for Autumn/Winter by Ali, Sharon and Marilyn And Antony placed a little border by the boat.

Thank you to the lovely young lady who saw us working hard this morning and bought us a box of cakes.

News September 2021

Well done to everyone that turned up on a wet morning to help out at Victoria Gardens.

Such a lot achieved.. many hands make light work..

Thank you to everyone for making a difference.

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